Saturday, June 22, 2013

Things You May Not Have Known

I'm never going to tap!!!
As you may or may not have noticed, I have been gone for a while! It’s hard to keep coming up with topics to write about, especially when you only have time to do a few extracurricular activities outside of work, and work seems to want to take more and more of my time. The few things I like to do that I’ve written about are: making tinctures, cooking and creating new recipes, helping people with their diet, and working on my hydroponics.  Some things I haven’t written about but still interest me are: Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ), Muay Thai, reading, making (and drinking) cocktails. Now, I guess is a good time to tell you about those things I haven’t written about.

I'm in the black gi on the right.
I’ve been practicing BJJ for about a year and a half now, and I have my blue belt.  The blue belt is the next belt after the white belt.  I was very proud when I received it, as I, actually, began BJJ way back in 2005 during the summer of my freshman year of college.  I finally got a job and I was able to afford some luxuries and I decided to have one of those luxuries be other people beating me up.  Not necessarily masochistic, but I worked as a painter during one the hottest summers in decades and then went to practice, you be the judge.  Well, after a few fun months, I was back in school, with no job and no means to pay for BJJ.  And, I didn’t start BJJ again until I could afford to pay, which was, really, not too long ago.  I still really enjoy it.  I competed in a tournament and lost my first match in my weighted division, and then went on to take second place in the absolute division (all weight classes compete together). The tournament was needed, but I haven’t wanted to do another one since; I feel, to me, BJJ is more of a hobby and the added stress of competing is something I don’t look forward to.  As time goes on, I continue to push myself to go and improve.  Who knows, maybe one day I’ll be a black belt!

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